PID Color and Mono Demographics
   Monochrome general Color general
 Entrants EntriesAcc EntriesAcc
Australia5 209 207
Austria2 81 85
Belgium2 84 82
Bosnia and Herzegovina2 83 85
Bulgaria2 84 81
Canada3 122 12-
China65 22946 25943
Cyprus2 83 84
Czech Republic1 4- 4-
Denmark7 288 2715
England17 569 6821
Finland6 248 243
France5 204 207
Germany10 408 407
Greece1 4- 42
Hong Kong4 166 16-
Hungary4 163 168
India11 4427 4424
Iran1 4- 4-
Ireland5 206 163
Israel1 41 4-
Italy6 188 178
Korea (South)1 42 41
Luxembourg8 288 328
Macao2 82 83
Malaysia2 84 85
Myanmar1 43 41
Netherlands2 82 81
New Zealand1 41 41
Norway51 19248 19760
Poland1 4- 4-
Qatar1 41 41
Romania3 111 126
Russian Federation2 43 84
Scotland3 123 126
Singapore3 124 122
Slovenia3 12- 121
Sri Lanka3 84 93
Sweden3 122 122
Switzerland1 42 4-
Taiwan1 43 41
United States2 81 81
Wales2 84 85
Total258 958258 1009277

PID Travel Photo Demographics
   PID Travel
 Entrants EntriesAcc
Australia5 176
Austria1 41
Belgium2 84
Bosnia and Herzegovina1 42
Bulgaria2 82
Canada3 123
China55 22059
Cyprus2 87
Czech Republic1 4-
Denmark6 246
England8 328
Finland4 163
France1 42
Germany8 3213
Greece1 41
Hong Kong5 209
Hungary4 167
India10 4018
Ireland5 201
Israel1 43
Italy3 1210
Korea (South)1 42
Luxembourg6 247
Macao2 85
Malaysia2 86
Myanmar1 31
Netherlands2 83
New Zealand1 42
Norway41 15735
Poland1 41
Qatar1 41
Romania3 118
Russian Federation2 85
Scotland2 8-
Singapore3 127
Slovenia3 123
Sri Lanka2 83
Sweden3 124
Switzerland1 41
Taiwan1 43
United States2 85
Wales1 41
Total209 824268